Towards a multi-stakeholder approach to digital connectivity?

Organised by The Clingendael Institute, The Hague

Governments with stakeholders seek to find ways to manage responsible datafication, standardization, data governance, information security and algorithmic accountability – among many others. The changes that accompany the fourth industrial revolution are accompanied by cracks in globalization and rising geopolitical tensions. How can the private sector and civil society, with governments and financial institutions enhance connections between them, so as to build stable and resilient digital infrastructure, promote norms and standards for trusted connectivity, foster digital development, and reap the opportunities offered by the digital economy?

Calls are growing to strenghten the so-called multistakeholder appraoch in digital governance, financing of projects and the valorizatin of innovation. Closer engagement between stakeholders at all stages – from the early phase of technologogical development, to the use of technologies by consumers – is needed to promote the human-centred approach to digital connectivity that EU and many Asian countries aspire to. Coordinated action can help governments to recognize developments at an early stage, and to then assist companies to reap opportunities while mitigating its challenges. Also, the multistakeholde appraoch offers businesses an opportunity to enhance their understanding of geopolitical tensions and to shape future policies. How can the various players build the degree of mutual trust that is required for this multi-stakeholder approach?

This closing panel will dive into the benefits and feasibility of a multi-stakeholder approach to digital connectivity in and between countries in Asia and Europe, offering the floor to organisations that have a key role herein.